Get Help Now

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Get Help Now

(207) 679-5005

Issue #34 Publisher’s Letter

August 2, 2024

On Sunday mornings, I join a group of people on Zoom for a book study. Because of this study, I also talk every week with an accountability buddy about our homework and what resonated.

Even though I’ll probably never meet these people in person, this experience has been very rewarding and has made my life better in many ways. As I read the articles in this issue, I feel very thankful for these times when we can create communities both in person and online.

Today, I’m anchored in communities I’ve been in for decades and am joining new ones for different reasons. These include growing spiritually, learning skills to run Journey, and forming new habits.

Our article, “Why Not Ask for Help?” talks about the barriers people face when struggling with addiction. I also see how the barriers apply when asking for help for spiritual growth, learning business skills, and changing habits.

I’ve learned that when I find a path, choose a teacher, and join a group of people on the same path, the possibilities are endless. Our potential — as individuals and in community — is limitless.

In this issue, we cover the basics of addiction, treatment, and recovery with help from subject matter experts from the Addiction Policy Forum and the Recovery Research Institute. Their work in these areas is vital, and we believe more people should see it — so we’ve put it in print. A special thank you to those organizations.

Please share what you learn about addiction, treatment, and recovery. With forty million people struggling with active addiction, twenty-six million in recovery, and 46% of people in the United States affected, what we know and how we talk about it affects everyone.

We can all amplify hope. Grateful,


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