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4 Types of Recovery Communities

August 11, 2023

Support Your Recovery Journey

Social support is a central part of recovery. Here are 4 different recovery communities you can participate in to help you along the way.

Community is a central part of recovery, no matter where you find it. A large body of research links social support with positive recovery outcomes.

Although all social support is important, depending on how you access treatment and what your preferences are, some recovery communities may be better for you than others.

If you’d like to expand your social support network and aren’t sure where to start, here are 4 types of recovery communities to explore:

1. Follow recovery accounts on social media.

Recovery can be an isolating experience. For people who don’t have a recovery support system in their daily lives, social media can help. Start with @sobermotivation, @harmreductioncoalition, r/redditorsinrecovery, and r/opiatesrecovery.

2. Consider a mutual support group.

One of the most common forms of community-based recovery is mutual support groups like Alcoholics or Narcotics Anonymous. They’re free, effective, and focus on community. Members attend regular meetings to find support, build tools, and work toward recovery goals.

3. Look into sober housing.

Alcohol- and substance-free housing, also known as sober housing, incorporate community support and other resources like mutual support groups. Research shows that people who live in sober housing after inpatient treatment may have lower rates of drug use.

4. Join a recovery program that centers community.

Recovery programs like Groups Recover Together emphasize community. At Groups, in addition to quick and continued access to medication-assisted treatment, members meet online or in person for group therapy sessions with the same recovery counselors and local peers each week.

As members build relationships, they create a safe space to open up about their experiences and help one another get their emotional and practical needs met.

Groups prioritizes community because we recognize the significance of compassionate social support in fostering sustainable recovery.

Learn more about our program at


Recover Together. Recover the life you want to live.
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