Recovery Basics Course Alert Sign-up

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“Recovery Basics: Foundational Information for Everyone” is designed to introduce participants to the fundamental concepts and services related to recovery from addiction. This course provides an exploration of the various elements essential for creating supportive environments that foster recovery. Participants will gain an understanding of the prevalence of addiction issues, the barriers to recovery, and the societal stigmas that often complicate these challenges.

Participants will also learn about essential recovery resources, including information services and support systems, equipping them with the knowledge to effectively advocate for and support individuals in recovery. Designed for a broad audience — including those in recovery, their loved ones, educators, and community leaders — this course empowers each participant to become an informed ally.

By fostering an understanding of addiction and recovery, “Recovery Basics: Foundational Information for Everyone” aims to inspire participants to share what they learn with their communities, thereby playing a crucial role in reducing stigma and enhancing the effectiveness of recovery efforts.

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