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Identify Your Super Powers

One of the most common challenges I see job seekers and career changers struggle with is identifying their skills and abilities and figuring out...

Your Worth is Greater than your Net Worth

This is the final installment in a series about financial recovery Well folks, this is it. The final article in the financial recovery primer. This...

Kick the Sugar Habit

Did you know that people can be biologically addicted to sugar in a way that is similar to addiction to nicotine, alcohol and drugs?...

Wellness – EFT

The Emotional Freedom Technique, otherwise known as EFT or 'tapping,' is a method for self-healing that draws on both ancient and modem wisdom. Tapping with...

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PechaKucha Presentation Portland Chapter

PechaKucha (PK) Presentation - Portland Chapter Founder, Carolyn Delaney, presented "Changed People" PechaKucha style Click here to view on youtube A PK presentation is a style...

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