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Issue #4 Publisher’s Letter

The Creative Type

Big deep breaths!

As I sit here in East End’s gazebo staring at Casco Bay, trying to get this letter written, I’m reminded of how important breathing is. With about 48 hours until we print, I’m almost out of time and now just have to do it. Maybe you can relate?

This issue about creativity is full of inspiring ways to unveil, unleash and let unfold that piece inside of you that allows for an expression of yourself to either be seen by others or celebrated personally.

We all have it within us, as Sarah Kelly’s article tells us. How we access creativity for ourselves is as different for each of us as our own fingerprints, and my work is to uncover those ways for myself.

I find that I can access that part of me in different ways on different days. I can feel creative by shining what God gave me and cleaning my kitchen. I can feel creative energy when I do geeky things with data analysis. And sometimes, on days like this, that energy is all around me and all I need to do is sit, breathe and let the freshness of the air in and the incredible view feed my soul as I type.

People who use creative expression to share a piece of themselves externally have always fascinated me, partly because I didn’t consider myself “the creative type” for much of my life. I do know today that I was pretty harshly judging myself based on what I saw others capable of in their expressions.

Today, I can appreciate my own brand of creativity.

I can accept that the goal isn’t necessarily to produce something but rather to allow myself that expression of who I am as a human being – and either celebrate it quietly with myself or share with others. And how that becomes visible to others is possible in so many ways.

Whether you use a pen, a camera, a paintbrush, a musical instrument, your vocal cords, physical movement or any of the many, many other means, using our “voice” to share our self with others is not only how we connect but also how we amplify.

This issue includes many wonderful stories about how people are using their voices to help connect and amplify hope – from sock monkeys to beautiful jewelry to colorful trucks – their “voices” are being heard and shared.

We have no idea how much we impact others – we can’t know the full extent of each ripple effect of each expression of ourselves. I believe our work isn’t to know … but to just do.

Recovery is possible! We say it over and over because the entire Journey team believes it – strongly! Our goal is to amplify hope and celebrate freedom from addiction. We creatively express ourselves here – in writing, through ideas, via photographs, in print, And we provide an opportunity for you to do the same! Visit our website and click on Share Your Journey to see the various ways you can share in the magazine.

I may not know the ripple effect created each time these Journey pages head to the printer, but I do know that I’m responsible for what I amplify.

Today, I choose to amplify hope.

Sober sister hugs,
Carolyn Delaney, Publisher

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