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Issue #16 Publishers Letter

Times change, seasons change, and people change.

This was my message for a six-minute and 40 seconds PechaKucha (PK) presentation I did last month about my personal recovery journey and how Journey magazine started.

PK is a storytelling format in which a presenter shows 20 slides with 20 seconds of commentary each. The commentary is brief, clear, and typically centered around a specific theme— for this PK it was “Times Change.”

That theme echoes the reason we launched Journey —out of a desire to change the conversation about addiction by showing that we can and do recover, and go on to lead beautiful, abundant lives.

In this issue, Colleen and Beth’s personal recovery stories show we’re able to reclaim our lives, repair the damage done, and be of service to our communities.

Niki’s article, “Making Deposits,” reminds us that we can fix spiritual bankruptcy and come to know our value and our worth.

In “Recovery Friendly Workplaces” Samantha Lewandowski, assistant director of New Hampshire’s Recovery Friendly Workplace Initiative (RFW), shines a light on the influential role businesses can have in this conversation, and the fact that employers can be the catalyst for permanent, lasting change. And this conversation is expanding beyond New Hampshire.

Kennebunk Savings recently participated in RFW, recognizing the impact the company could have on their communities by supporting their employees and their loved ones.

As non recovery-related industries make the conversation accessible and approachable, this will smash the stigma, shift public opinion, and make change happen.

Recovery is not just possible, it is probable.

With immense gratitude,

Carolyn Delaney
founder & publisher

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