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Recovery Community Center Corner

Issue 21

Pir2Peer Recovery Center Launches a New Chapter

When the recovery center you began in 2020 is already in need of a larger space a few years later, it’s a good sign that your center is helping more and more people find their path through recovery. The need for a larger space, however, also means that the issues the center is combating – substance abuse and issues related to addiction — continue to be growing problems.

It’s this mix of success and pressing need that has launched East Millinocket’s Pir2Peer Recovery Community Center to begin its next chapter and expanded mission in a new location in Medway. The new space will be owned by the center and provide more than double the space for recovery programs.

As Ginger Collins, president of Pir2Peer and one of the center’s founders explained, “The Katahdin region is hard hit by substance use issues. Our new location in Medway is larger and much more convenient for people to get here and get the help they need.

We’ll have our same programming, but now we’re also able to expand our reach and offer more new programs. It’s an exciting move for us to become a true hub for recovery in the Katahdin region.”

Pir2Peer is a unique recovery center in Maine.

It was founded when three women in recovery living in the Millinocket area decided to take direct action to help solve the substance abuse crisis in their particularly hard hit part of the state.

The group secured state funding and decided to embed the grass roots nature of the center’s beginning in their name. The Pir of Pir2Peer stands for “people in recovery.”

Today the center helps a lot of people through support meetings; connections to health, medical and legal resources; allied support for families and providing healthy meals.

“Our hope is to only increase how many people Pir2Peer can serve,” says Collins.

One example of this growing mission is Pir2Peer’s new partnership with Wabanaki Health and Wellness to offer Wabanaki’s Warrior Down substance abuse recovery program through the center, making participation easier to access for people in the region.

Interested in helping Pir2Peer thrive? As the center prepares for its move, donations are needed – and welcome. Visit https://pir2peer. org for more.

Jacqueline Brown
Jacqueline Brown
Jacqueline Brown is a freelance writer from Southern Maine who regularly contributes to national and regional publications. A former public school teacher in the Boston area, Jacqueline is the published author of several books for children, one of which won the Maine Literary Award for Children's Literature in 2018. When she's not at her computer, Jacqueline can be found looking for sea glass at her favorite beach.

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