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Recovery Discovery with EFT Tapping

October 3, 2022

“Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind. Always.”

— Robin Williams

So true. Not only is everyone fighting a battle, “everyone” includes you and me. Internal battles have become the pulse of humanity and yet are largely ignored.

Why Do We Try to Disguise Our Internal Battles?

• Fear of being judged

• Not knowing where to turn for help

What is EFT and How Can It Help?

EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Techniques. Commonly referred to as ’Tapping,’ a simple and easy-to-learn way of releasing emotional overwhelm, limiting beliefs and even pain caused by hiding our internal battles. Tapping is a scientifically proven, natural method used for working with the Mind-Body connection for self-help, peer-to-peer care and in practiced hands, therapeutic care.

EFT brings together an efficient mix of Mind-Body connections to down-regulate the nervous system by using the body’s energy meridian system. It’s easy to use by simply Tapping your own fingertips on nine acupressure points, while focusing on an issue you’d like to change for the better.

Professionally applied, EFT has been found to be so effective that Tapping can achieve in minutes what therapy has taken months to accomplish.

What Can EFT Be Used For?

Throughout the past 12+ years of practicing EFT, clients have found successful outcomes from emotional turmoil and upset all the way to phobias, PTSD and troubling memories from childhood events. Now that we understand how intertwined the mind and body really are, EFT can be the perfect tool for restoring well-being from issues such as this abbreviated list of examples:

In the Moment:

• Pain due to headaches, injuries, emotional overwhelm

• Fear of flying, spiders or performance anxiety

• Negative moods and emotional states

• Confusion around what blocks you from what you want

• Stress / Anxiety reduction

In Deeper Use:

• To resolve old memories, hurts and wounds

• For lessening Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

• To release traumatic events, including PTSD

• To find and release old limiting beliefs

• To create more rapid healing of health conditions

• Self-sabotaging behaviors

• For phobias and bothersome behaviors

• Old habits or coping behaviors, such as smoking and cravings

The Best Proof? Your Own Experience

Even though there are many videos you can find on the internet, it’s recommended that you try these simple but powerful techniques with someone professionally trained and certified, for the best experience and quality results.

Experience for yourself EFT’s ability to rapidly change perception, body chemistry, and your stress response to present or past events. Find out what more than 15 million people across the globe have found with Tapping, “You can easily feel better fast.”

Learn how EFT Tapping can change your life easily and safely at your own pace.


Karen St. Clair
Karen St. Clair
Karen St. Clair is an accredited certified EFT International Trainer NQT, Reiki Master of Masters, best-selling author, speaker, and founder of Reiki Tap Renewal℠ and has a gift for facilitating her clients’ life-changing outcomes.

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