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Empowering Recovery: Maine’s Recovery Coach Training Programs

May 31, 2024

As recovery coaching continues to become professionalized in Maine, this peer-to-peer support service is gaining momentum with compassionate individuals who have a vested interest in promoting recovery and supporting others. Whether they are in established recovery, friends or family members of someone in recovery, or passionate allies, recovery coaches are here to stay — and to make a difference in Maine.

Recovery coaching is an innovative peer-mentoring program designed to empower individuals at every stage of their journey toward recovery. Trained recovery coaches serve as personal guides and mentors, helping people navigate through the obstacles and barriers that may arise during recovery.

Recovery coaches play a vital role in removing barriers, building recovery capital, connecting individuals with recovery support services, and fostering hope, optimism, and healthy living at every stage of recovery.

The landscape of coaching continues to grow across Maine, and so does the need for training individuals who want to be coaches, and the organizations that will support them. As funding continues to emerge for recovery coach services, more and more organizations have coaches on their teams.

To meet the growing need for recovery coach training, the Maine Office of Behavioral Health has funded two organizations, Healthy Acadia and Portland Recovery Community Center, to provide free recovery coach training to Maine residents. Both organizations offer a variety of the Connecticut Community of Addiction Recovery (CCAR) courses.

The following CCAR courses are required and/or recommended for those who want to become a recovery coach, or for someone who is supervising or has a coach on their team.

Recovery Coaching Basics

A six-hour course based on CCAR’s flagship training, the Recovery Coach Academy. This curriculum provides a basic introduction to recovery coaching, which helps those who want a general understanding of the recovery process to support their loved ones, friends, and colleagues.

Recovery Coach Academy

An intensive 30-hour training focused on equipping individuals with the skills needed to guide, mentor, and support anyone who would like to enter into or sustain long-term recovery from an addiction to alcohol or other drugs.

Recovery Coaching and Professionalism

A 12-hour training for recovery coaches who are currently working or wish to work within a professional setting.


A 16-hour training based on the widely used “Ethical Guidelines for the Delivery of Peer-Based Recovery Support Services” by William White. Recovery coaches need an understanding of ethics that differs from those of clinicians due to their unique role in guiding someone through the recovery process.


A 16-hour training that offers supervisors of recovery coaches and other team members a true understanding of the role of a recovery coach. Based on the concept of “coaching coaches,” this workshop provides an understanding of how to best develop and support coaches day to day for long-term success.

Other available courses are Recovery Coaching within a Justice Setting, Recovery Coaching in an Emergency Department, Recovery Coaching and Spirituality, and Recovery Coaching for Young People.

To find out more about free CCAR training for Maine residents, please contact: [email protected], [email protected], or [email protected].

Denise Black
Denise Black
Denise Black is a Co-Director, Maine Alliance of Recovery Coaching at Healthy Acadia. She is an experienced Program Director and Community Health Educator with a 20-year history of working in substance prevention and recovery. She is currently working on building recovery supports, regional recovery coach systems, and recovery-ready communities. Denise is a CCAR Authorized Recovery Coach Trainer, and CCAR designated Recovery Coach Professional (RCP). She holds a current Certified Alcohol and Drug Counseling license (CADC), with a pending Bachelor of Science (BS) focused in Mental Health and Human Services, with a minor in Substance Use Counseling, University of Maine at Augusta.

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