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Issue #15 Publisher’s Letter

Today, I’m thankful for a community that is built on lifelong learners.

Our past provides ample opportunity to be re-examined, reflected on, and then reframed in a way that best supports us today. I know I learn something new about myself every time I walk through that process with a trusted friend.

My past could be last week, last month, last year.

As a lifelong learner, when I can show up as my best Carolyn self and trust that there’s something other than me and my ego leading the way, I’m able to acquire new skills and capabilities to be of best service to my fellows.

Being a new, independent publisher has required me to step into new places and spaces for myself, ask for help and take the next right step that’s lit from trusted sources.

In this issue, we have articles about starting a new career path in recovery with Amy Paradysz’s Finding Meaningful Work, and how to step out and forward when looking for work with Bruce Campbell’s practical tips in “How Can I Follow My Bliss?” Reader Veronica Ingrao shares her story about her pursuit of education running parallel to the beginning of her recovery journey.

Tyler Hall’s offering, “Dying In Recovery” shares an intimate view of just how his recovery program provides him an opportunity to be of utmost service to his fellows by sharing himself on a day-by-day basis—and how precious a single day is.

These stories all illuminate the truth that your past does not define your future and that our lives are enhanced as we walk a path that is ours. This path is only created when we walk. Gratefully, none of us have to walk alone.


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