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The Addiction Cycle Explained — Part 2

Issue 28

In the last issue, we looked at the two major ways humans process energy — through our automatic systems and the systems that support our freedom of choice.

Next, we consider how the energetic level of our brain, stomach, and blood system together, are the three ringleaders of the addiction cycle. These systems get automated by the repetitive and ongoing use of an addictive substance – which essentially hijack these systems away from their natural design and thereby power the addiction cycle.

What is this addiction cycle?

The National Institute of Health defines addiction as: “a chronic, relapsing disorder characterized by compulsive drug seeking and use-despite adverse consequences. It is considered a brain disorder, because it involves functional changes to brain circuits involved in reward, stress, and self-control.” Regarding the ‘cycle’ aspect: any event that is regularly repeated in the same order constitutes a cycle, for example: spring, summer, fall, winter.

Putting these two definitions together, an addiction cycle is a process that a person has established in their automatic systems to continue a certain, usually euphoric, feeling or state. The person is no longer the decision maker and instead, the substance powered by the automatic systems are in control – leaving the person’s conscious choice out of the decision loop. This is what the ‘chronic relapsing disorder’ part of the addiction cycle looks like.

The three ringleaders: brain, stomach, blood

Our brain conducts essential functions, including providing signals to the many automatic maintenance systems such as our digestion function. It’s an incredibly advanced organ and, along with our soul, is designed to make innumerable and extremely precise computations on our behalf. Imagine every calculation needed to perform the task of taking a drink of water including all the intricate signals sent to our hand to pick up a glass and raise it to our mouth. The number of nerves, muscles, tendons involved in this action is enormous, and yet it all happens flawlessly without a single thought about the complexity of the mechanics.

Yes, our brain is amazing. However, it can also be our own worst enemy – if we hand over too much power and allow it to be in the driver’s seat of our life. Because after all, that’s our job! You are not your brain.

From an energetic standpoint, our brain has a huge affinity to fly high. It prefers to process what it considers ‘high octane fuel’ because it causes it to feel more stimulated and alive. It loves excitement and new experiences, and it’s completely reliant on us to provide this stimulus.

It’s the part of us that goes to the county fair and points, and says, ‘I want to go on that ride!’ We’ve taught it what energies are exciting and in return it can do a multitude of functions on demand. It is the part of us that craves refined sugar laden foods because of the short-term ‘feel good’ bump in energy. Our life experiences reflect directly on how our brain gets wired, and this plays out and affects our daily lives.

The brain can be really bossy, especially when it needs an excitement fix. This is why it’s important to work out a direction and purpose in life, because without healthy parameters, our brain will have us floating from one excitement to another, and the art of living is nonexistent because we abdicate our free choice to our brains. It’s easy to see how the brain can get hijacked by an addictive substance or behavior because of its love for flying on high-octane fuel.

Our stomach helps to digest and break down physical foods and plays a big role in the addiction cycle. The stomach, also referred to as the ‘Moving Center’ energetically because it’s responsible for movement and everything we do repetitively.

As our brain loves to fly high, our stomach loves repetition.

It feels most comfortable when we’re doing things that it already knows how to do, and it doesn’t like surprises like our brain does. The stomach loves it when you settle in to watch a good movie with a bowl of popcorn. It thinks this is heaven.

The stomach has its own way of trying to exert control over our life which can result in mindlessly playing video games for hours on end. It does this in cahoots with our brain because the brain gets excited when we win! Our stomach loves the repetition of the game and distracts us so that we forget about time and end up late for an appointment or delaying tasks we promised ourselves we’d accomplish.

If we allow our stomach to continuously do what it wants, it becomes quite resistant to change and won’t like it if new disciplines are implemented. It requires a greater conscious power of repetition to create new patterns. This absolutely can be accomplished, but it takes time, focus and patience.

Our blood systems energetically record everything that the brain and stomach do on a repetitive basis. This works like the tape recorders we used before digital recordings took over. Like the tape, our blood can record and hold an electro-magnetic signal. The magnetic ability comes from the micronutrient of its iron content. Iron is one of the most common magnetic metals around and is utilized by many organs and metabolic processes, including our blood system.

Our blood records and maintains patterns as a result of whatever we do repetitively. Our stomach helps to establish these blood patterns by implementing action; then the blood records those actions and stores them until the moving center calls on the blood to replay that pattern. The more times the action or thought is played out, the more deeply imprinted the blood pattern becomes – thus creating a habit.

Everything that we say — do — think — long for — love — belong to — believe in — gets recorded in our blood and as the blood circulates it informs every single cell in our body. As this process radiates throughout, a micro signal is formed and lives at the edge of our bio-energetic field.

We can choose to superimpose over an unwanted habit using our automatic systems in a conscious way to establish new habits, repetitively, on a consistent basis, with the power of our conscious thought. This works for some, but others with substance use disorder may need help.

And that’s where the Weiss Method comes in.

The Weiss Method offers a noninvasive, one-on-one treatment using no medication, needles, or hypnosis. This energy-based treatment cleans and rebalances the systems at the root cause, freeing the person by interrupting the addiction cycle.

Find out more go to

Elizabeth Hamill
Elizabeth Hamill
Elizabeth Hamill found the Weiss Method to quit nicotine and from that experience, trained in Germany to become a Weiss Method Certified Practitioner. As a Certified Life Coach, she is passionate about helping others reach their highest potential by overcoming the impediments that hold them back.
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