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Belonging & Purpose

February 21, 2022
Volunteers are the Heart of Maine’s Recovery Community Centers

By Leslie Clark

Recovery community centers are bringing hope and connection for individuals and families in recovery in seventeen of Maine’s Communities. They are located all over the State, including Caribou, Bridgton, Calais, Boothbay, Bangor, Portland, and more!

The need for belonging is a fundamental human need. Recovery community centers meet this vital need by offering a place to connect and build positive relationships.

As important as our need to belong, so is our need for purpose. For those of us in recovery, recognizing that we can help others—even in the first days or hours of our journey—offers new-found purpose as we start, and for many years to come.

One of the many things I love about recovery community centers is that volunteers are at the heart of everything we do. People in recovery volunteer as board members and leaders, giving countless hours to ensure the resources needed for the success of the mission.

They organize, educate, advocate and stand up against stigma and discrimination. In the day-to-day of a recovery community center, volunteers are the first people to greet newcomers at the front desk.

Volunteers call to check in with people in recovery through the Telephone Recovery Support (TRS) program. They start meetings. They organize activities. They serve as recovery coaches. They plant gardens, and keep the building clean and welcoming. There is no end to the ways that volunteers create, sustain, and build recovering communities.

In recovery, we strengthen our own footing on the path of recovery when we serve others. Service creates connection and purpose, and reminds us that we’re not alone.

Showing up for others who depend upon us builds self-esteem. We need each other—our recovery depends on it.

All throughout Maine, at seventeen established and newly forming recovery community centers, people in recovery volunteer their time to serve others in recovery and champion the recovery movement. We asked several volunteers why they volunteer, and here’s what they said:

“Volunteering makes me…

“Realize that I’m not alone in my own struggle. There’s always somebody there.” –Jordan G.

“As a recovery coach, talking with others about their successes and struggles has helped me stay in recovery.” –Jason C.

“The best part of volunteering is being around other people in recovery.” –Heather F.

Volunteering with others who have shared similar experiences creates community, magnifies hope, and provides vital support and opportunities for mutual healing. We find ourselves through our community of belonging and purpose.

To find a center near you and see how you can get involved, please visit or call PRCC at 207-553-2575.

PRCC’s mission is to provide support, education, resources, and advocacy for people recovering from and affected by addiction, and to spread the message of hope throughout the state of Maine and beyond. PRCC’s vision is that every person affected by addiction in Maine will have direct access to a local recovery community center that provides support, education, and individual resources to enhance their ability to heal, strengthen and grow in their recovery pathway, throughout all stages of their journey. PRCC provides a place for the recovery community to grow and thrive at 102 Bishop Street in Portland. The center offers space for meetings and activities devoted to recovery from substance use disorder. PRCC is operated by staff and volunteers who are passionate about recovery, and every activity is created by and for people in recovery. PRCC offers peer support to individuals who use a variety of recovery pathways, and we honor each person’s unique recovery journey. We know from experience that successful recovery from substance use disorder requires support from others. Our center welcomes all who are taking steps to recover. PRCC works statewide to support the development of new recovery community centers so that every community in Maine has access to its own local center. By providing training, resources, and technical support to new and developing centers, PRCC’s Recovery Hub sustains a network of mutual support among the centers that develops leadership and empowers communities.

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