When I hear the word education, I envision a classroom filled with metal desks and small hard wooden chairs. I think of young ones whose creativity is crushed because of the rigid structure of the system. I see children whose self-expression is stifled due to the rules established by our culture. I recall my own experience in the educational system, where I felt bullied by teachers and students alike and the expectation of excellence felt unattainable. In a system where social achievement was the norm, my shyness felt unbearable. After a while, you may stop trying, feel defeated and begin to believe you are not enough.
Sadly, so many of us feel like the child whose individuality has been sanitized.
The good news is there is still so much life within you that is eager for expression.
Learning is an internal, personal growth experience as well as an external, world discovery experience. Your life is filled with learning the hard lessons and the joyful ones. Your story, your experiences and your insights are important to so many people, in addition to yourself. Education goes both ways: we receive lessons from others and we offer them to others.
Learning is a collective lifetime experience in mind, body, emotions, relationships and spirit.
When you believe you have succumbed to expectations that do not support the exceptional individual you are, you may feel lost, disconnected from the very essence that is your unique imprint upon this world. The world needs you and the special gifts you have brought with you into this lifetime. Try to embrace all that comes your way, both the difficult lessons and the exhilarating ones. Educate yourself through the resources and means that best serve you and your growth. And, if you are sitting in a classroom or anywhere else being educated and something or someone does not resonate with you, simply shift your focus to the things that inspire you. Seek out what ignites your passions and speaks to who you are at your core.
The time for you to be you is now. Here are some ways to liberate yourself from expectations:
1. Make your own rules. Express yourself in ways that are meaningful and authentic to you.
2. You are unique. Embrace that there is no one else like you in the whole world.
3. Soak in all that speaks to who you are at your core. Share the lessons you have learned. You are wise and have so much to offer.