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Issue #17 Publishers Letter

End the stigma, support recovery now.

Jeffrey D’Amico, a Journey team member, got me this mask at a recovery rally in South Paris a few weeks ago, and it’s now my favorite mask. It gives people an invitation to ask, “How do I support recovery to end the stigma?”

In my experience, most people want to help and do what they can to support recovery. By inviting the conversation, we each have the ability to be a champion for change.

I believe the more people talk about recovery being probable, the more possible recovery becomes, and when we encourage these conversations, we help reduce the stigma attached to addiction.

We’re all in this together and can make a difference in our communities by amplifying some key messages:

1. Addiction is treatable.

2. Recovery is possible.

3. Help and support is available.

4. There are things you can do.

In this issue, we share stories about people working together to provide support to each other and our communities.

In The Twelfth Step, Niki Curtis writes about the importance of sharing experiences, strength, and hope; and Kelly Staple’s article on Intentional Peer Supports shows how building relationships based on authentic connections can change the world.

We aim to amplify a message that by being of service to each other and our communities, we can end the stigma and show that people can and do recover.



With immense gratitude,

Carolyn Delaney

founder & publisher

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