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Issue #3 Publisher’s Letter

Learning To Love My Wobble

David Lee’s article in this issue is about learning new things and learning to love that point in the growth process where we start to wobble a bit. From the very first conversations about starting Journey right up until this morning, I’ve wobbled in many areas along the way – very shaky at first, but with some practice and other humans, the wobble turns into a very steady, solid step.

First, who am I to start a printed magazine? My background is IT leadership, not publishing, not journalism. Then the question, “Why not me?” steadied that wobble along with an incredible group of people alongside me – helping with each next step – some with experience in publishing and journalism. All with caring, compassionate hearts.

Next came the “I am now very visible” wobble, insecurity at many levels with this one. I find comfort in the mission of the magazine: to amplify hope. My own personal insecurities seem petty when compared to our mission.

Something that has helped with the wobbling is that I have firm roots. I have roots in my own recovery programs, my family and friends, and fellow travelers along the way. I have roots in my daily practices and I have roots in my experiences — experiences from the past that have shown me examples of showing up, asking for help with the very next step and then moving along.

Another thing that has helped with the wobble is the Journey team (some are below). We are a group of people on a mission, driven to amplify hope with an unrelenting desire to share that Recovery Is Possible and to provide the space for others to share their own journey with you.

For the creation of Journey, it has really felt like the universe has paved the way and we are all just stepping into the space – one wobble, then a shaky step and then a firm step at a time.

We have great articles about people venturing into new spaces for themselves or revisiting former spaces with renewed interest – along with shining light on the great work being done by law enforcement in Alison’s Recovery Allies column as well as sharing info about the SMART Recovery Program in Sarah Siegel’s Many Paths column.

Dear reader, please know that whatever path you’re taking to recover, we’re here for you. And if you’re not ready yet, we’ll still be here when you’re ready to take a wobbly step.

Sober sister hugs,

Carolyn Delaney, Publisher

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