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Issue #2 Publisher’s Letter

Recovery is Possible

Those are three simple words but an incredibly powerful declaration. Journey, with that message, has received such a positive response that it is almost overwhelming. It is a heartwarming response and one filled with the hope.

On March 1, 10,000 copies of the inaugural issue of the magazine were delivered to the Journey office in Portland. By March 14, Gov. Janet Mills had a copy in her hands. The Journey team was invited to the State House April 4 to meet the governor and be honored by the House of Representatives. (A special thanks to Ron Springel, Gordon Smith and Rep. Charlotte Warren for arranging the visit.)

We’re grateful for the many volunteers who have joined the team to help distribute it. With calls and email requests from as far north as Presque Isle and as far south as York, we’ve been able to spread the message of Recovery farther than we intended at this stage, and in a lovely, almost organic way. We even have 4 readers in a small recovery group in Ruwais, United Arab Emirates!

I’ve had a few conversations where – at one point – there’s a mutual connection in pain — the pain of losing a loved one, the pain of watching a loved one in active addiction, the pain of personally remembering just how hard it is to move from active addiction to a path of Recovery … and to stay there.

There’s a connection in being able to relate to one another, then tears and then for me, I experience a warmth and fullness in my heart. Then comes a big, deep, full-bodied breath as the pain is shared amongst those in the room. You can almost physically feel the pain lift, even if it’s just in the moment. Pain shared is halved.

Then there’s a tighter connection, a bond of knowing we understand each other and that we’re not alone. There is peace and ease in this new connection, and if there’s one strong emotion that can battle addiction, it’s connection.

The conversations then shift to our circle of influence = how can I help? What specifically can I do today? For me and for Journey the response is to amplify hope. Our signature bracelet features only these two words to remind us that we get to make a decision in every interaction and to ask ourselves “what will I amplify today”? Today, I choose to amplify hope and to celebrate freedom from addiction.

As much as pain shared is halved, joy shared is doubled. Our column People Like Us Live Like This highlights the successes and dreams come true of those in recovery. And On The Journey provides an opportunity for you to share how you’re living and dealing with this life in Recovery. Go to our website and click on “Share My Journey” and tell us what’s working for you today. The impact of you sharing cannot be overstated.

Sober sister hugs,

Carolyn Delaney, Publisher

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