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Our Oneness makes us unique – and part of a whole

Issue 5

The word “community” brings to mind a story I once heard many years ago, passed down through generations.

This is how I remember it:

“As you travel north across the lush green meadows, over snowcapped mountains and far beyond the majestic glaciers, you will find a land where people love one another – knowing no hatred, judgment or unkindness. Each of these people has only one leg and not one of them can get around independently. Yet, because they all love one another unconditionally, they are able to walk around by embracing each other. The more they love, the tighter they embrace and the faster they move – running even, like the wind across the plains. If they should ever stop loving, they will stop embracing and they will die. Love creates miracles.”

In truth, we are all One – each and every human being is connected by the essence of a loving spirit. For some, this spirit is known as a soul or heart. Regardless, it is this core essence that defines not just our humanness but our humanity.

Humanity isn’t measured in dollars and cents or by successes and failures.

It’s not measured at all in fact – it’s a natural consequence of each individual’s unique expression of loving kindness, generosity, humility and unconditional love. This loving kindness also creates community. Within community, each individual thrives, not unlike the story above.

Our Oneness makes each of us individually unique and part of the whole, both at the same time. When One of us breathes, thinks, feels and acts, we all breathe, think, feel and act. We are One, individually and collectively – one within ourselves, one with each other, one with nature, one with Earth, one with sky, one with the elements, one with life and, ultimately, one with existence.

Here are some ideas for creating community through your Oneness:

1. Thoughts, ideas and feelings become energy – you can spread your loving energy with a simple intention.
2. In addition to “doing or acting,” community also can be created by simply allowing your loving spirit to shine upon others wherever you go.
3. Set aside your fears and act upon those ideas you may previously have thought to be meaningless. Your loving gestures always have meaning for somebody.
4. Even a simple smile for a stranger can change somebody’s world in an instant.
5. When you love yourself, you can’t help but pass that love along to others.

Kimble Greene
Kimble Greene
Kimble Greene PhD, Founder and Chief Catalyst at Catalyst Enterprises Worldwide, LLC is an author, transformation catalyst, strategic consultant and developer of The Monarch Method™ for personal transformation.

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