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Issue #20 Publisher’s Letter

Issue 20

This 20th issue of the magazine centers around Mental Wellbeing.

According to Google: “Mental wellbeing, in general, is the state of thriving in various areas of life, such as in relationships, at work, play, and more, despite ups and downs. It’s the knowledge that we are separate from our problems and the belief that we can handle those problems.”

I understood this morning, probably for the very first time, the meaning of negativity as it relates to how I approach “problems” in my life.

I had just finished reading all the articles and personal stories and was having a conversation with a friend about Niki’ Curtis’ article, That’s All I Had To Do? In it she shares her experience with H.A.L.T. Hungry, Angry, Lonely, and Tired.

My friend said focusing on thriving is really hard to do when starting from a negative space—mentally immersed in one of these basic need categories: hungry, angry, lonely, or tired.

I realized just how right she is; when I’m experiencing a deficit in any of these four, it’s impossible for me to think about growing in any other area of my life.

Once the basic needs are taken care of, my footing is more solid for the day, and I’m able to stretch a bit into other areas that may help my mental wellbeing.

In Adding to the Wellbeing Toolbox, Rich Jones mentions the Free Three—activities that are directly connected to improved mood and higher levels of life satisfaction.

They are free and accessible to most.

Check out the article and see if there’s an opportunity to add the Free Three into your daily routine.

With immense gratitude,


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