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Letter From the Publisher Issue #26

Issue 26

I once heard that when you change a single part of a system, you change the whole system by default. I think that’s true because for me, changing part of my system by stepping onto a recovery path fundamentally changed my life’s course.

As part of my 12-step recovery programs, there’s a framework, a sponsor, a community. As I immerse myself in those programs and do the work, I continue to change.

Somewhere along the way early in my recovery, I noticed that my life wasn’t getting worse, and that was good enough. A little further on, I noticed that I was feeling content, and I started feeling grateful.

I had moved from just surviving my addiction to thriving, with a connection to a higher power and my environment.

Since Journey started – motivated by a mission to make recovery from addiction visible – I’ve had to stretch my spiritual wings to further change my “systems.” My reliance on a spiritual connection enables me to continue growing into my potential, and Journey’s mission requires me to seek wise counsel in order to effectively lead the company.

Early on, I reached out for help from people in the media industry, and also connected with mentors from SCORE and Coastal Enterprises, Inc.’s (CEI) Women’s Business Center, who continue to provide guidance in areas that are new for me.

Thanks to their help and dozens of other people who have been involved during various seasons with Journey, I’m enormously honored to share that I’ve been awarded the 2023 SBA Award for Small Business Person of the Year for Maine.

This award will help us amplify our message that we can and do recover. And for that, I’m incredibly grateful.

I hope you enjoy this chock-full issue of Journey. Among personal recovery stories, we provide informative articles on personal health and wellness; shine a light on organizations that provide a safe harbor for people in all stages of their recovery journeys; offer new ideas to explore, including Botanically Curious; and share insights from Gordon Smith, Maine’s Director of Opioid Response, about the many beneficial actions underway by the governor’s office.

With gratitude and deep appreciation for change that propels all of us forward,


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